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Lived Experience

Lauren Doherty

In August 2008, Lauren had been out in her local town with a group of friends.  Walking home early the next morning, distracted, she crossed the road at the wrong time, was hit by a van and is now completely paralysed.

Lauren Doherty

Spinal Cord Injuries

Using my ventilator

Read about Lauren Doherty's journey with spinal cord injuries, overcoming fears of using a ventilator, and making empowering health decisions for a positive future.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Anxiety and Me

Explore Lauren Doherty's journey with anxiety, panic attacks, and the importance of seeking therapy for mental health struggles. Find support and inspiration in her story.

Help & advice

My bladder problems: Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Living with a spinal cord injury and managing bladder problems can be challenging. Read Lauren Doherty's personal journey and experiences, including coping with catheters, bladder stones, and emergency changes.

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Relationships and dating after a Spinal Cord Injury

Explore the challenges and triumphs of navigating relationships and dating after a Spinal Cord Injury. Gain insights from personal experiences and valuable advice shared in this insightful blog post.

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FAQ: Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Expert advice on living with a Spinal Cord Injury from Lauren Doherty, sharing insights on hospital essentials, social life, friendships, and support groups.

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My New Normal: Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Discover how Lauren Doherty navigates her 'new normal' after a life-changing accident, finding purpose in educating others about road safety. Gain insight into resilience and adaptation.

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My typical day: Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Discover a day in the life of Lauren Doherty, living with a Spinal Cord Injury. From morning routines to work and leisure activities, find out how she navigates daily challenges with a well-established routine.

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Lauren Doherty: Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Discover Lauren Doherty's journey of living with a spinal cord injury, sharing personal experiences, challenges, and insights on managing various aspects of daily life post-injury. Explore her story and learn about treatments and rehabilitation options available.

Help & advice

Staying at Home, Saves Lives

In this blog, Lauren shares her experience of isolation, and how she is preparing herself for 12 weeks of not seeing her friends and family.

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