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Spinal injury case studies

Support for Claire after she sustained a spinal cord injury and her husband was killed in a farm accident


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Claire* was out walking with her husband and family dogs, when a herd of cows who were in a field with their calves stampeded and crushed them. Claire sustained a spinal cord injury, and her husband was sadly killed in the incident. We’ve worked together with the defendant insurers to put in place extensive support for Claire to give her the best independence possible.

The challenges faced by Claire

When Claire first talked to us, she had just been discharged from the hospital with little support in place and needed extensive rehabilitation to make the most of her recovery and independence.

  • Claire had no memory of what had happened to her and her husband, as she’d been knocked unconscious.
  • She was eager to remain in her family home after she was discharged from the hospital, but it needed some adaptations to make it right for her needs.

How we helped with these challenges

We quickly looked at how we could support Claire and immediately talked to the defendant solicitors to secure funding for the specialist input Claire needed.

  • We instructed a case manager to put in place a full package of treatment and rehabilitation for Claire, including specialist physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.
  • We also sourced equipment, including a new manual wheelchair and a long-term rental of a wheelchair accessible vehicle so Claire could get around more easily.

The results and outcome

As Claire wished to remain at home, we continued to work with the defendant insurers to secure further funding so that we could make her home as safe as possible for her.

  • This further funding meant we could involve a specialist architect to make adaptations to Claire’s home to enhance her ability to enjoy her home and maximise her independence.
  • We’ve also supported Claire and her family at the inquest into the death of her husband.

*not her real name

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