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Brain injury case studies

Brain Injury Case Study: £3.5 million settlement for Dan


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Dan* was hit by a car which then drove off, leaving him with a traumatic brain injury, back injury and fractures in his leg. While his case was ongoing, we managed to get substantial interim payments to fund a full support team to help with his recovery. His claim settled for over £3.5 million, allowing him to move to a new house and pay for his ongoing care and treatment needs.

The challenges faced by Dan

Because of his brain injury, Dan experienced a lot of ongoing cognitive problems and needed a lot of support from both his family and other care professionals.

  • His injuries were so severe that he will not be able to return to work and he needs prompting to be able to manage basic day-to-day activities.
  • Dan’s also vulnerable to exploitation, so needs support to make sure people don’t take advantage of him.

How we helped with these challenges

As soon as we met Dan and his family, we began talking with the defendant insurers to see what support we could put in place and fund straightaway. Even though police investigations were still ongoing, we managed to get substantial interim payments (payments that are made while a case is ongoing) to pay for treatment and support.

  • We put in place a full team of support for Dan, including a case manager, care providers, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, neuropsychology, occupational therapy and involved the charity Headway for other specialist brain injury support.
  • Getting out and about was important to Dan, so we put support in place to get him to attend a number of community projects during the week so that he didn’t become isolated.

The results and outcome

We settled Dan’s claim for over £3.5 million which will make a huge difference in the support Dan will receive for the rest of his life.

  • Due to the amount of rehabilitation input Dan has had, he has made some improvements in his cognitive function. This settlement will now make sure Dan can carry on with his rehabilitation and make even more improvements in his recovery.
  • He’s now also moved to a new home that’s better for his needs, and can pay for a full ongoing care package to make sure he’s not left vulnerable in the future.
  • Working together with the defendants to get ongoing funding had a huge impact on the claim and allowed a full focus on Dan’s recovery.

*not his real name

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