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Spinal injury case studies

Support for Sarah after spinal cord injury in medical negligence case

Sarah _CS_05

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Following spinal cord decompression surgery, Sarah* was diagnosed with incomplete paraplegia and was told she would never walk again. This news left Sarah feeling helpless and overwhelmed, and she was worried about the impact it would have on her independence. Sarah also lost all control over her bladder and bowel function.


As a result of her spinal cord injury, Sarah struggled with activities of every day living and with coordinating her many appointments. She also experienced feelings of helplessness and resentment of her situation and the daily challenges she was facing to do simple tasks. This was having a huge impact on her mental health, and she was also struggling to adapt to being a wheelchair user.

How we helped

Viola Tosh, one of our rehabilitation and support coordinators, began supporting Sarah, providing compassion and dedication to help guide Sarah through the maze of challenges that lay ahead.

  • From coordinating appointments and setting goals, to providing emotional and practical support, Viola helped Sarah to navigate the complexities of life as a wheelchair user, addressing concerns about tipping incidents and safety with the help of wheelchair services.
  • Recognising the toll that Sarah’s injuries had taken on her mental health, Viola ensured Sarah had access to the resources and support she needed to deal with her feelings of helplessness and low mood. Viola referred Sarah to the Spinal Injuries Association, a specialist charity who support people after spinal cord injury. They were able to support Sarah with specialist nursing care and counselling.
  • As Sarah adjusted to life as a wheelchair user, Viola continued to advocate for her needs, liaising with the local authority to expediate the installation of a wet room to improve Sarah’s independence. Viola has also supported Sarah in accessing services from Motability which will help her to purchase an adapted car for her needs.

*not her real name

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