The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) was established to compensate victims of crime. The CICA scheme is designed to allow victims to gain compensation for their injuries. If you have sustained serious injuries, an experienced criminal injury solicitor will be able to help you to gain the maximum amount of compensation available to you, whilst providing the support and treatment you and your family need at this difficult time.
Is a CICA application appropriate?
If you answer ‘YES’ to all of the following questions, you may want to think about submitting an application to the CICA:-
- Are you a victim of a crime or has a member of your family died as the result of a violent crime?
- Did you sustain an injury (physical and/or psychological) as a result of an act of violence?
- Has the incident been reported to the police?
- Have you co-operated fully with the police in their investigation of the crime?
- Did the crime take place within the last two years? Please note a child (under 18 at the time of the crime) must make an application before their 20th birthday.
What the scheme covers
- Mental or physical injuries due to a violent crime.
- Sexual or physical abuse.
- Loss of earnings you have sustained as a direct result of being unable to work due to your injuries.
- Certain costs you have incurred as a direct result of the incident. Special expenses payments will be considered if you have been unable to work for over 28 weeks.
- Bereavement payments, payments for loss of parental services and financial dependency and funeral payments if someone has died as a result of their injuries from a violent crime.
Compensation is based on a tariff scheme. The extent of your injuries will determine the amount of compensation you are entitled to. If you have more than one injury which qualifies for compensation, you may be entitled to:
- 100% of the tariff for the most serious of your injuries.
- 30% of the tariff for the next injury, which can be equal or second highest in value.
- 15% of the tariff for any further injuries.
How do CICA Applications work?
You should be aware of the following things:
- The CICA deal with a high volume of claims, therefore the process can take many months and can be over a year.
- Awards are based on a Tariff scheme depending on the injury.
- You should provide as much information on the initial application form to enable the CICA to deal with the claim as quickly as possible.
- The application should be made within two years of the act of violence which caused the injury (unless it is for a child). An application made out of time will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.
- The offender does not have to have been convicted or charged with the offence that caused the injury. It is sufficient that the matter is reported to the police promptly and you have co-operated with their investigations. If an application is made before any contested trial on a not guilty plea, you may be asked in cross-examination, ‘are you making a claim for compensation?’.
- Your previous behaviour will be considered by the CICA. An award may be refused or reduced if you have any previous convictions.
- The CICA will not pay compensation if a) the crime took place outside England, Scotland or Wales b) you suffered only a single minor injury c) you were the victim of a road traffic accident (unless a vehicle was deliberately used to injure you).
- If you have suffered a serious injury, we can help you claim compensation through the CICA.