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What type of accidents can you claim for?

People who work at height can get injured in a number of ways:

  • Ladder accidents – Ladders and stepladders are an easy way to access high areas; however, they are not always the safest or most suitable method. Ladders should only be used for periods of short duration and in circumstances where there is a low risk or no alternative. Common causes of ladder accidents include where the ladders have been badly maintained, where materials or tools need to be carried up and down the ladders and where the ladder has not been fixed or stabilised correctly.
  • Fall from or through a roof – Many serious injuries are as a result of falls where workers are moving between surfaces, where workers don’t notice a roof light or realise how dangerous the surface they are standing on, or where the roof cannot support the load or they lose grip.
  • Falls from machinery or large vehicles – These types of accidents are particularly prevalent in farming, construction and manufacturing injuries.
  • Falls from scaffolding – Most building site and construction accidents are normally due to scaffolding not being fitted correctly or maintained, or where training has not been provided.
  • Falls in warehouses/supermarkets - These can include instances where employees have sustained injury as a result of a fall whilst stacking high shelves or moving goods around.

Other falls from height can include any significant falls from areas that may have no safety barrier or warnings such as loading bays, telegraph poles and pylons, lift shafts and even stairs.

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